Causes of Teenage Depression

Can school cause teenage depression

Teenage life can be very difficult and turbulent even for well-adjusted teenagers. Depression strikes adults and teenagers alike and it can have serious implications especially when teenagers face various emotional difficulties that they find hard to manage. In order to understand the root causes of depression and learn how to cope with them, teenagers should seek the treatment and help they need. Here are some of the common contributing factors to teenage depression.

Academic stress

Most teenagers are under a lot of pressure to be successful academically. With the rising cost of higher education, more families are relying upon scholarships to offset the expenses. On the other hand, stressing over grades, tests and classes can cause depression in teenagers. This might be worse especially when teenagers are struggling with their course loads but are still expected to excel.

Romantic/relationship problems

Causes of teenage depression

In teenage life, romantic entanglements and relationships become a very influential and prominent part of life. From unrequited affection to breakups, budding love life can also cause teenagers to become depressed.

Traumatic events

Various traumatic events such as instances of abuse and death of loved ones can have a huge impact on teenagers and cause them to become overly anxious or depressed. Therefore, you should look out for signs of depression and changes in behavior especially in the aftermath of traumatic events.

Divorcing or separating parents

Although separated or divorced parents are very common today than in the past generations, it does not necessarily mean that such situations have no effect on the wellbeing of teenagers. Divorce or dissolution of family units can be very upsetting and it often leads to depression in teens.


If a close relative or parent suffers from depression, you are more susceptible to issues with depression mainly due to genetics and heredity.

 Financial struggles

Precarious financial situations especially within the family can be very upsetting. Even if teens are not responsible for balancing budgets in the household, family financial struggles can be upsetting especially if they are worried about the living standards they are accustomed or the possibility of losing vital assets such as the home.

Emotional and physical neglect

Although teenagers may seem like independent beings that need nothing from their parents or guardians, they still have physical and emotional needs for attention. Therefore, the lack of attention can cause feelings of neglect and depression.

Low self esteem

Issues such as a changing body and appearance of pimples can negatively affect the level of confidence in teenagers. They may even see as if nature is conspiring against them in order to negatively affect their self confidence level. Teenagers who have low self esteem can easily become depressed.

 Feeling helpless

Knowing that you might be affected by things that are out of your control can easily throw teenagers into a spiral of depression. Therefore, feelings of powerlessness and helplessness usually go hand in hand with depression and they might even make the condition more severe.

Peer pressure or social anxiety

The unsettling and complex world of social interaction might seem complicated to teenagers. On the other hand popularity is very important for some teenagers and lack of it can be upsetting. Peer pressure to try drinking, try illicit drugs, and other experimental behavior might be very traumatic especially for teenagers who are afraid of ruining their reputation but are not eager to give in.

Depression in teenagers is a real affliction that requires immediate attention and treatment. Therefore, it is vital to speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have especially regarding your emotions. If you are dealing with depression, your pediatrician or general practitioner can help you determine the ideal course of action including referrals to medication or a therapist.